What Applications is the RAS System Best Suited For?


In traditional aquaculture, the growth status of fish is often affected by environmental climate, water resource shortages, and diseases. The Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS) has gradually emerged as an alternative option. This system supports fish farming in indoor tanks through recirculating water, providing a controllable environment for the cultivation of fish and other aquatic organisms.

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization's report in 2022, the RAS system can produce 100 to 200 times more fish per unit of water compared to traditional methods. So, is it suitable for all aquaculture projects? The answer is no. In this article, we will explore the details and advantages of the RAS system together and discover its most appropriate applications.


What is the Recirculating Aquaculture System?

(1) Culture Pond: This is the main facility for fish farming, generally made of PP. Depending on the species and scale of farming, it can be designed in various shapes and sizes.

(2) Filtration System: The filtration system mainly includes:

 Mechanical Filters: These filters include drum filters, screen filters, or sand filters. They can remove large particulate matter such as uneaten feed, fish feces, and debris.

 Biological Filters: This refers to moving bed biological filters and trickling filters. They are responsible for removing physical and biological waste from the water.

(3) Water Treatment Unit: This unit is used to regulate water quality parameters, including components for temperature control (heaters or coolers), pH adjustment (lime or carbon dioxide), and dissolved oxygen supplementation. Aerators are used to increase the oxygen content in the water.

(4) Circulating Pump: The pump is used to circulate water in the system to maintain uniform water quality in the culture pond and transport water to the filtration and treatment units.

Advantages of the Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS)

(1) Water Conservation: Compared with traditional open-pond aquaculture, the water consumption of RAS is reduced by approximately 90%. This is a significant advantage in areas with scarce water resources.

(2) Disease Control: RAS reduces the probability of diseases being introduced from external water sources. Since the water circulates within the system, the chance of pathogens entering from the outside is minimized.

(3) Year-round Production: By controlling the water temperature and water quality, we can continuously farm aquatic products throughout the year using RAS. Aquaculturists can plan their production schedules more effectively because they know that environmental factors will not interfere with the growth cycle of the fish.

(4) Higher Stocking Density: In RAS, we can farm fish at a higher stocking density, increasing the yield per unit area. This is because the water in the tanks is always clean and rich in oxygen.

(5) Flexibility in Site Selection: Since it does not rely on large natural water bodies, the RAS system can be set up in various locations, including urban areas and even your backyard. When it is set up closer to the market, transportation costs will be reduced, and consumers can buy fresher aquatic products.

What are the Limitations of the RAS?

(1) High Initial Investment: Establishing an RAS system requires a large amount of upfront costs. This is because you need to purchase and install culture ponds, filtration systems, water treatment units, and pumps. Small-scale aquaculturists may find it difficult to afford these.

(2) High Professional Requirements: During the operation of RAS, aquaculturists need to be proficient in monitoring and maintaining water quality, troubleshooting filtration and treatment equipment, and managing fish health. These require them to have sufficient knowledge and training.

(3) High Energy Consumption: The continuous operation of pumps, aerators, and water treatment equipment in RAS will result in relatively high energy consumption. However, AquaSust is making efforts to develop more energy-efficient RAS components.


Best Applications of the RAS System

(1) High-value Fish Species: RAS is particularly suitable for farming high-value fish species, such as salmon, trout, and certain varieties of tilapia. These fish are highly popular in the sushi and hotel seafood markets. RAS can easily control their growth conditions, thus producing fish with a more uniform fat content.

(2) Urban Aquaculture: There has always been a high demand for fresh and locally sourced food in urban areas. The RAS system can be set up in warehouses with small spaces to produce fish for the local market nearby. In addition, urban aquaculture can be combined with soilless vegetable cultivation projects to create sustainable green food bases.

(3) Research and Hatchery Operations: RAS is also highly suitable for studying fish biology, behavior, and nutrition. In experiments, scientists can strictly control the growth conditions of fish through manipulating one or more variables.

AquaSust: Your RAS System Solution Partner

AquaSust has rich experience in providing customized RAS systems and professional selection advice. We understand that each customer's aquaculture business is unique. Whether you want to start a small-scale farming project or supply seafood to the entire market, contact us  for reliable solutions. 



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